Course 1: Basics of field theory and supersymmetry
Borut Bajc (Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana)
Course 2: On Black Hole Physics (TBC)
Kyriakos Papadodimas (CERN, Geneva)
Course 3 Higgs Physics
Alexander Azatov (SISSA, Trieste)
Course 4/1: Introduction to Cosmology
Course 4/2: Observational cosmology
Marko Simonovic (CERN, Geneva)
Course 5: Introduction to cosmology in the braneworld
Neven Bilic (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb)
Course 6: Introduction to AdS/CFT and Holography (TBC)
Radoslav Rashkov and Kiril Hristov (University of Sofia)
(tutorials) Tsvetan Vetsov (University of Sofia)
Abstracts and material for the students are available here.